Cookbook or Food Blogs?

I’m already halfway through spring semester and almost halfway through college. Time is just flying by here!

The next big assignment I have coming up in my WRT 205 class is an annotated bibliography. I wanted my focus to surround food and food blogging because I guess you can say I’m obsessed with food. There’s a lot you can talk about when it comes to food. Food can impact people in certain ways whether it’s positive or negative, and it can be tailored to certain groups of people. These days, people are using food to express themselves. If you watch the Food Newtork, both men and women are cooking things they are proud of. It’s a big part of their lifestyle.

Food used to be a huge part of culture and family, and people would just eat what’s given to them at the dinner table. Now it’s often seen as an individuals choice of what to eat because their busy lifestyles are coming in the way of having typical family dinners. Even though people aren’t sitting down with their family to have dinner, there’s another family waiting for them on their phone-the social media family. A person would sit down, be admired by their meal and take a picture to share it amongst their followers (or family). An article I found on ProQuest Central by Vickie Brown and Shelley Rauch, “Feast Your Eyes on Abundant Food Blogs”, talks about the new obsession to food blogging.

I hope to focus my paper on the idea behind food blogging, and how food is approached in the social media. I’d like to talk about how the rise of food has changed. These days, everyone is touched by food in their own way. It could be a healthful bliss or constant guilty pleasures. Yet, both people at some point admire the aspects behind food. If people are blogging about their constant admiration to food, then should everyone food blog? By just a few searches on the web you can find some bloggers talking about their interests and most likely you may find one  that appeals to you. Food blogs are also like #foodporn because the pictures are likely to make your mouth drop with a little drool coming along the side.

As I explore food blogging I’d like to also talk about the power struggle behind food blogging. Food can be tailored to certain people, and when you’re blogging you need to make a conscious decision for who you want your audience to be. Some general questions food bloggies might think of are: Whether or not they want to blog expensive foods and have a classy and elegant kind of dining or if they want to be a blogger about cheap, fast ways to make a meal? Do I want to keep my meal it simple or enculturate it??

Whenever I think of food blogs I automatically think of a women expressing their foods and there will probably be a bunch of dessert recipes on there as well. I plan to use this other article I found on ProQuest Central entitled “Dishing It Out: Food Blogs and Post-Feminist Domesticity” by  Paula M. Salvio. It discusses themes in which you will commonly find with a woman narrative versus a male. highlighted a male food blogger and it’s interesting to hear his reasons he started to food blog and why he kept on doing it. He’s blogging because he loves the idea of being able to connect all the things in his life and then be able to express it with food so that others may be able to enjoy it. He also uses blogging as a form of therapy. Normally, you would hear women using food to express their feelings (like that yummy Ben & Jerry’s Icecream after your boyfriend broke up with you).  So now we’re seeing men becoming just as expressive as woman.

When thinking about food it’s a world full of endless oppurtunities. That’s why food bloging is so personal beause you get to choose what you want to do with it.

With all the food blogs out there, please make sure to check some out! Maybe pay attention to the kinds of people they might be targeting.

And feel free to comment below with some food bloggers that appeal to you and let me know what you think of them!

Stay happy! 🙂


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